LUX Walker Settings

Some settings are only accessible using the mouse on the desktop.

Settings Panel

../_images/desktopmenuclosed.jpg ../_images/desktopmenuopen.jpg ../_images/menuadvanced.jpg

Quality Options

  1. Quality Settings

Graphics Quality - Increases sharpness of objects at an increase to performance cost. Vegetation Quality - Increases vegetation rendering distance at an increase to performance cost. Advanced settings

Render Scale - Manually Increase sharpness of objects at an increase to performance cost. Shadow Quality - Manually Increase shadow quality at an increase to performance cost.
  1. Lighting Settings

Global Light - Increase or decrease the environmental light contribution in the scene.

Advanced settings

Sampling Size - Increases the lighting contribution size at an increase to performance cost. Sampling Size - Increases the lighting area that gets realistic lighting at an increase to performance cost. Lighting Samples - Increases lighting quality at an increase to performance cost.
  1. Render Settings
Screenshot Size - Size of the Images captured by the spectator render camera. Render Mode - Quality of the Render Mode spectator camera.


LUX Walker allows you to load a panorama as onto a cylinder that renders behind other objects.

  1. Offset - Height offset from Horizon
  2. Radius - Radius of the Cylinder that holds the panorama.
  3. Rotation - Rotation of the Cylinder that holds the panorama.
  4. Scale - Scale of the Cylinder height that holds the panorama.
  5. Load Image - Load Panorama from hard drive.


Combinations of Radius and Scale will allow you to get correct aspect ratios.

Removing the background in an image editing program and saving as a .PNG will blend the panorama with the background.


  1. Lock Teleport - Sync teleport across networked users
  2. Lock Time - Sync time across networked users
  3. Room ID - Room information